How to Open WordPress Menu in a New Tab

Last updated on Mar 10, 2021

Sometimes, you want to have a menu item on your WordPress site whereby when you click it, you are redirected to a new tab on the web browser. Whether the new tab open a page on the same website or a different site of yours. When creating or editing a menu in WordPress, you can add some HTML attributes to an item of the menu, including the “_blank” attribute which will open the link a new tab.

In case you are new to WordPress, you can read our previous article to learn how to create a menu on your WordPress website. You can add the menu items — as well as the links — from the existing categories, pages, and posts. You can also add custom links in case you want to add another website of yours. To open the link of a menu item in a new tab, you can simply tick the Open link in a new tab option beneath the menu item label. When this option is ticked, WordPress will add the “_blank” attribute to the associated menu item.

If you don’t see the option, click Screen Options on the upper-right corner of the screen to open the advanced options and tick the Link Target option.

Once done creating/editing the menu, you can style it up via the theme customizer. In WordPress itself, you can create any type of menu. From mega menu, off-canvas menu, full-screen menu, and so on. If your WordPress site is built with Elementor, you can use add-ons like JetMenu to create those types of menus.

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Aliko Sunawang

Aliko is a professional blogger and web creator. He has been blogging with WordPress since 2013. In his spare time, he loves going out to take some photos. More

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