Mini Course for WordPress

Content Creators

An algorithm-proof blogging approach to build sustainable revenue with WordPress.

Hey 👋🏻

I am Aliko Sunawang.

I have been a blogger since 2013. Promoting affiliate products is how I make money from my blogs.

Ever since 2019, I started to focus on producing content around WordPress and help promoting products and services related to WordPress.

After all these years, I have finally found a perfect funnel to boost my affiliate sales without being dependent on Google.

If you have knowledge on WordPress too and are interested in making money from affiliate marketing, this mini course is a perfect shortcut to monetize your knowledge.

In the course, you will learn:


How to create a perfect funnel to boost your affiliate sales


How to build and OWN your audience


How to compete smartly with big guys


How to build the real passive income from affiliate marketing

After Completing the Course, You Will

be able to control the growth of your business as you no longer need to be dependent on Google or other platforms. Focusing on what you can control is the key.

Who the Course is for?


WordPress users who want to make money via affiliate marketing


Affiliate marketers who are struggling to boost their affiliate sales


Affiliate marketers/bloggers who almost (or already) give up with the SEO game


Theme or plugin developers who are struggling to market their product

Ready to Turn Your WordPress Knowledge Into Sustainable Revenue? ♻️


Soon to be $49


5 straight-to-the-point lessons


One-time payment


Bonus 200+ best affiliate programs that offer recurring commissions (updated regularly)


Bonus world class landing page templates

ACCESS the course NOW

Payment will be processed by Buy Me a Coffee. You will be directed to a page on this website to access the course after making the payment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format of the course?

The course is available in the text format, which will be delivered to your inbox. Every lesson requires less than 5 minutes to finish. Straight to the point. No unnecessary ado!

Why should the lessons be delivered via email?

In the course, I encourage you to leverage email marketing to boost affiliate sales. If I don’t use email to deliver the content, I don’t practice what I preach.

After all, I want to show you what has been working for me throughout my journey. And it involves email.

Also, we can instantly start a conversation if you have something to ask. I am happy to help anyone who want to start a WordPress-themed blog. The more people share their WordPress knowledge, the more people will get to know WordPress as well.

Who this course is for?

This course is designed specifically to help anyone that has knowledge on WordPress to monetize their knowledge.

You can start a WordPress-themed blog to share tutorials, product reviews, curated plugins, curated themes, or anything related to WordPress.

If you already have an affiliate blogs promoting WordPress-related products like themes, plugins, or hosting, you can use the funnel I will share in the course to boost your affiliate sales.

Who are you? Why should I listen to you?

My name is Aliko Sunawang. I have been blogging about WordPress since 2019. My goal is to share my knowledge while also building sustainable revenue via affiliate marketing.

I’ve gone from a solo blogger to a blogger with 5 team members.

In 2020, I founded a company, Totheweb, to operate two blogs: WPPagebuilders and UtilizeWP.

What is Buy Me a Coffee?

Buy Me a Coffee is an online service that allows content creators to make money selling digital products. I use Buy Me a Coffee as it is super easy to use. More importantly, Buy Me a Coffee accepts global payments via credit/debit card.


Mini Course for WordPress Content Creators (MCFWCC).