How to Get Rounded Image on Elementor

Last updated on May 14, 2023

Elementor is one the best page builder plugins for WordPress. It comes with a drag and drop visual interface to allow you to create a better page on your WordPress site without coding skills. Elementor offers plenty of elements and free templates. You can simply drag the element you want to add and drop it to the editor. One of the elements offered by Elementor is Image.

Just like other elements, Elementor allows you to customize the look of the image you added even if you have no CSS or HTML knowledge. You can set things like alignment, capacity, width, border and so on via the panel on the left-hand side.

When adding an image to the Elementor editor, you might want to get a rounded shape. In Elementor, you can get that sort of shape by adjusting the values of the border radius.

Follow the steps below to get rounded image on Elementor.

First off, add the Image element. To do so, drag the Image element from the left panel and drop it to the editor.

Choose the image you want to add by clicking the image handler.

To set the values of the border radius, switch to the Style tab and seek for the Border Radius option. Increase the values until your image get rounded.

Elementor itself offers ready-to-use page templates to allow you get a decent-look page instantly. You can click the folder icon on the Elementor editor to load a template.

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