How to Display Ads Based on Tag in WordPress

Last updated on Feb 11, 2024

Displaying ads banner is the common method to monetize your website. It’s extremely easy to find examples of websites that display ads banner. Be it from Google AdSense or other advertising programs. In WordPress, you can display ads based on specific tags. This means, ads banner will only appear on posts that contain the specified tags.

Displaying ads based on tag is a great idea if you have a large website which already has thousands articles. WordPress users commonly use tags to group posts based on certain topics. This post will show you how to display ads based on tag in WordPress using Advanced Ads plugin. This plugin is developed by Thomas Maier and still in an active development.

Advanced Ads is a freemium plugin. It is a feature-rich ads manager plugin. You can use it to display ads based on certain conditions, including tags. Free version of Advanced Ads allows you to display ads based on tag.

Display Ads Based on Tag in WordPress Using Advanced Ads

Before being able to use this plugin, you surely need to install it first on your WordPress site. If you are new to WordPress and haven’t known how to install a plugin, you can visit our post here to learn how to install a plugin in WordPress.

Once the plugin is installed, you will have a new menu called Advanced Ads on your WordPress dashboard. Click this menu and select Ads to create a new ads.

Give your ads a name and select ads type. If you want to display ads from Google AdSense, you can select the top option (Plain Text and Code). If the ads wizard is running, click the Stop Wizard and show all options link to show all options.

On the Ad Parameters section, click the arrow button and paste your ads code on the available field.

Now switch to the Display Conditions section and click the arrow button to open the available condition options. Since you want to display ads based on tag so select the Tags option from the dropdown menu. Click the add button. This will display the existing tags on your WordPress site.

Select tags you want your ads to be displayed on and select the Tags option from the dropdown menu once again, followed by clicking the add button.

Once done, click the Publish button.

Determine the location where you want your ads to be displayed. There are several options you can choose from. On this example, we choose After Content. This option will display the ads right after the content section on a single post.

You can change the ads location anytime you want. To do so, you can go t the Placements option under the Advanced Ads menu on your WordPress dashboard.

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