How to Create a Smart List on Newspaper Theme

Last updated on Jun 3, 2020

Newspaper is a feature-rich WordPress theme. One of the features offered by this theme is Smart List, which is pretty useful if you often write a long article. Such as “10 of the best places in the world” or similar posts. With Smart List, you can create a more beautiful, sorter list instead of a long article which can make your readers runaway due to the boring article format.

Newspaper offers 8 different smart list templates you can choose from. In order to be able to turn an article into a smart list, the article should contain the Heading element (use the same Heading level for each item). Newspaper uses the Heading element/tag to generate the list. You can choose any Heading level you want. From Heading 1 to Heading 6.

Here is how to create a smart list on Newspaper theme.

  • First and foremost, login to your WordPress dashboard and create a new article just like usual. Again, your article should contain the Heading element. Ideally, you add the following elements on each of item list.
    • Heading to write the title of the item.
    • Item description.
    • Image

Following is the example.

  • Once you are done writing the article, go to the Post Settings section which lies beneath the editor and click the Smart List tab. Select one of the available smart list templates. Set the title tag and smart list numbering as well.
  • Once done, click the Publish button to publish your article.


If you want to hide the featured post of your article, you can use the post template of Style 5. You can select the post template from the General tab on the Post Settings section.

You can visit this page to see an example of the smart list created on Newspaper theme.

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