How to Add Mailchimp Form in Newspaper Theme

Last updated on Jun 1, 2020

One of the most-adopted practices to collect more email subscribers is by adding a subscription form to a website. If you have a WordPress website and use Newspaper theme, you can effortlessly add an email subscription form to your website as Newspaper theme supports integration with Mailchimp and MailerLite.

Before being able to integrate your website with Mailchimp via Newspaper theme, you need to activate the tagDiv Newsletter plugin first. To do so, go to Newspaper -> Plugins on your WordPress dashboard. Go to the tagDiv Newsletter section and click the ACTIVATE button to activate the plugin.

Adding a Mailchimp form to your website

To add a Mailchimp form in Newspaper theme, you need to edit the page where you want to add the form to using tagDiv Composer. Not just page, you can also add a Mailchimp form to a single post template, footer or header since Newspaper allows you to create a custom theme element (single post template, header, footer, 404 page, and so on). You can create custom theme elements using templates offered by Newspaper. You can read the example in this post.

In this post, we will show you how to add a Mailchimp email subscription form on a single post template.

First, go to the MailChimp website and login with your account. Once logged in, click the Create menu and select Signup form.

On the Embedded form tab on the appearing popup, select an audience (formerly list) from the dropdown menu and click the Begin button.

Go to the Condensed tab and copy the code.

Return to your WordPress dashboard and open your Cloud Templates library by clicking Cloud Templates.

Select a single post template you want to add the Mailchimp form to, hover your mouse over it and click Edit template. You will be taken to the tagDiv Composer editor. You can visit this post to create a custom single post template in Newspaper.

Drag the Newsletter element and drop it to your preferred area. In this example, we place it right after the article section.

Select Mailchimp from the dropdown menu on Newsletter Provider and paste the code you have copied above.

As you can see, the form appears as you paste the code.

Styling the form

The default look of the form might don’t impress you so much. To style the form, you can go to the Style tab on the left panel. But first, you can set the alignment, button text, and input place holder on the General tab.

There are 8 form styles offered by Newspaper. You can select one from the dropdown menu on the Style section under the Style tab.

You can set the text color of the title on the Title color section, the text color of the description on the Description color section, the border radius on Border radius section, the border color on the Border color, and so on.

To set the typography (font size, font style, and font family) of each element within the form, you can scroll down to the FONTS section.

You can go to the Css tab to set the padding as well as the margin of your form. tagDiv Composer requires you to manually enter the values.

There are several other styling options you can set, including the button color, color overlay, and so on. You can play around with the left panel until you get satisfied with the look of your form. Once done, click the floppy disk icon to save the change and click the x icon to close the tagDiv Composer.

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