How to Add HubSpot Live Chat to WordPress

Last updated on Aug 4, 2020

HubSpot is a popular online CRM software. You can use it to maintain your communication with your customers, collect leads, turn leads into sales, and so on. HubSpot comes with features to make it easy for you to communicate with your customers, including a live chat. If you use WordPress to run your business, you can add the HubSpot live chat feature to your website to allow your customers to reach you out via live chat. This article will show you how.

HubSpot develops an official WordPress plugin to help WordPress users to integrate their website with their HubSpot account. The HubSpot WordPress plugin can be used to collect leads, manage contacts, and add a live chat feature to your WordPress site. The plugin can be used for free.

Before being able to use the plugin, of course, you need to install the plugin first. To do so, login to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins -> Add New. Type “hubspot” on the search field to find the HubSpot plugin. Once you found it, click the Install Now button. Activate the plugin right away once installed.

You will be directed to the HubSpot dashboard after activating the plugin. Login with your HubSpot account by clicking the Sign in here link on the top-right corner.

Click the Continue with this account button to continue.

Once your account is connected, go to HubSpot -> Live Chat on your WordPress dashboard.

On the next step, you can style up the live chatbox on your website. You can choose the color according to the color scheme of your website. Click the Next button on the bottom-right corner to continue.

Add a user/team to handle the live chat. You can also set the custom welcome message if you want to. If you use the pro version of HubSpot, you can enable the Automatically assign conversations option to automatically assign conversations to specific team members. Click Next.

On the next step, you can set the chat availability. You can set the availability during certain hours or based on team member status. There is also an Always option to offer a 24/7 live chat support to your customers. Click Next to continue.

Next, you can preview the appearance of the live chatbox on your website on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Click the Publish to make it available on your website.

Here is an example of the HubSpot live chat feature on a website.

You will receive notifications on the HubSpot dashboard (on the HubSpot website) for every new conversation make by your customers.

To disable the HubSpot live chat feature on your website, you can go to HubSpot -> Live Chat. Simply toggle the STATUS button to disable the live chart.

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